Friday, May 15, 2009

5-02-09 Fruit-Berries

This is Kate's Garden.
It's named after the person who made it possible.
My name is Suzanne. This will be a record of the garden to feed and bless many. We hope to take you through the entire process of planting, canning, and drying fruit and veggies.
~God Bless This Garden~

This little Nectarine tree spent several days in my kitchen. You can't see it in this
picture, but it has tiny leaf buds opening already.

Digging a hole for the 2nd Nectarine tree.

Untangling roots of the red raspberries.

Planting the red raspberries. These will spread so will eventually move a bunch of new
shoots to other beds.

Becky, the previous owner of the garden lot, planting a baby Pecan tree.

Becky and Annette digging a hole for the second Pecan tree.

Done for the day and putting things away.

God Bless this garden. :)

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