Friday, July 31, 2009

7-31-09 Pray.. We Have Ice Chunks

Folks.. please pray.. terrible thunderstorm with 2" ice chunks falling right now..
Father, in the name of Jesus, protect our garden. Amen

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

7-29-09 First Day of Canning

This is Kate's Garden.It's named after the person who made it possible.
My name is Suzanne. This will be a record of the garden to feed and bless many. We hope to take you through the entire process of planting, canning, and drying fruit and veggies.
~God Bless This Garden~
Here's the green bean girl. Snap, snap, snap!! :)
The canning today is beef stew, with green beans, carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, bay leaf, celery, bell peppers, rice, barley, and tomatoes... Mmmmm...
And here's a green bean smile.. :)
I kept out 2 quarts of stew just to have in my fridge so these didn't get canned.

Here are some finished jars. You can see the new pressure cooker reflecting on the right side of the pic.

Some more finished jars. This isn't a very good pic. I took it. :) We were all trying to fit in my itty-bitty kitchen so we didn't get many pics today. We'll try canning at Annette's tomorrow and will take pics to show step by step how-to pics..

Monday, July 27, 2009

7-27-09 Canning Starts Tomorrow!

The new canner arrives tomorrow. We will start canning stew, either tomorrow or the next day, depending on how late or early the canner arrives. I may not get the pics up til the following day. Woo Hoo!! Can't wait!! Suzanne

Monday, July 20, 2009

7-20-09 New Pressure Cooker/Canner

Hi, Folks... someone has made it possible to purchase another pressure cooker so we can have one cooking stew and another with jars of stew getting canned. Yes!! It will take up to a week for the cooker to get here and then the canning starts. Until the potatoes are ready, we'll can beef stew with rice, barley, or noodles. Mmmmm... Still need lots more canning jars, but we have enough to get a good start... Suzanne

Saturday, July 18, 2009

7-18-09 Set Up Sprinklers - Etc.

This is Kate's Garden.It's named after the person who made it possible.
My name is Suzanne. This will be a record of the garden to feed and bless many. We hope to take you through the entire process of planting, canning, and drying fruit and veggies.
~God Bless This Garden~

Jessica and Annette worked hard today getting a watering system set up with some duplex couplers and hoses and sprinklers. The vine plants were spreading out so that the hose was causing damage when we would drag it through the garden. Here you can see some green beans with a dusting of Sevin on them. Bugs are bad this year. Especially grasshoppers.
Baby Watermelon.

We've picked many tomatoes and tons are coming yet. Will have plenty for canning.

A blue hubbard winter squash is starting.

Tomatoes everywhere. Early Girl, Beefsteak, and Roma's.

The one little bunch of grapes is steadily growing.

You can see a grape vine in the middle of the petunia's. The flowers add some nice color.

James, Annette and the kids thinned out the 3 beds of carrots this morning. Now they have room to grow. Even the 20,000 carrot bed. :)

The baby watermelons are growing well.

Bell peppers are coming right along. I love to can them with tomatoes, onions, garlic, etc.

The butternut squash is really growing. I love this kind of squash baked with a little raisin sauce spooned on top. Mmmmm....

Does anyone need some watermelons? :)

We are getting extreme amounts of watermelons.. They are black diamond.

Getting lost amongst melons, greenbeans, and other veggies..

Friday, July 10, 2009

7-10-09 A Little of Everything

This is Kate's Garden.It's named after the person who made it possible.
My name is Suzanne. This will be a record of the garden to feed and bless many. We hope to take you through the entire process of planting, canning, and drying fruit and veggies.
~God Bless This Garden~
A most beautiful squash.

Kate's garden is becoming a jungle.. :)

Beautiful plants!

Oh.. a tiny baby watermelon..

The melons are sure growing!!

I think we'll have a watermelon fest come late summer.

Hot peppers!!

Totally lovely!!

Thank you, Kate.. :)

Gotta eat those thinned out carrots..

A baby from the 20,000 carrot bed.

Picture perfect!!

Oh, how I love squash!!

Green beans are blooming like crazy. Time to start canning soon.

Our little grape cluster is growing.

I think I forgot to mention the grapes are Reliance.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

7-08-09 Four Bags of Lettuce

Oh my gosh!! 4 grocery bags of lettuce from just one raised garden bed this evening!! Several folks got blessed with it.. :)

New Garden Pics Coming Soon

Hi Folks.. I apologize for the lack of garden pics, but my health was really bad for a while there. I promise to have some great new pics for you in the next few days. Everything has grown so much.. :) Canning time will be here very soon.. Blessings