Jessica lifting some canned jars out of the pressure cooker. I have all these pics of canning soup in the wrong order but haven't figured out yet how to move them. :)

Bean soup is ready to eat. All finished and canned.

Here's the bean soup simmering in the pot.

Annette adding the lids and rings.

Ready to can as soon as lids and rings are on.

Some cut-up onions, celery and bell peppers for the soup.

The market had some great looking smoked ham shanks for the soup.

Here are the beans (about 5 or 6 lbs.) soaking in a huge bowl.

Getting the carrots sliced up for the soup. Folks, I wish you could all be in my kitchen to smell this soup cooking tonight, but I barely fit in my kitchen. :) The smell is incredible!! Be sure to follow your canners instructions. I canned at 10 lb.s for 90 min.
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