This is Kate's Garden.It's named after the person who made it possible.
My name is Suzanne. This will be a record of the garden to feed and bless many. We hope to take you through the entire process of planting, canning, and drying fruit and veggies.
~God Bless This Garden~

A most beautiful squash.

Kate's garden is becoming a jungle.. :)

Beautiful plants!

Oh.. a tiny baby watermelon..

The melons are sure growing!!

I think we'll have a watermelon fest come late summer.

Hot peppers!!

Totally lovely!!

Thank you, Kate.. :)

Gotta eat those thinned out carrots..

A baby from the 20,000 carrot bed.

Picture perfect!!

Oh, how I love squash!!

Green beans are blooming like crazy. Time to start canning soon.

Our little grape cluster is growing.

I think I forgot to mention the grapes are Reliance.
LOVE the new pictures. Wow - your garden is growing like crazy. I have 3 wooden frames sitting in the yard with nothing in them :(
Kate, was wondering how your were planning to store your grapes this winter? We have a really big grape patch this year and was wondering exactly what to do with them.
Hi.. I just now saw your comment about the grapes. Since this is the first year for out vines, we only have one tiny bunch of grapes. We all shared the one bunch.. :) If I had lots of grapes I would probably make jam and juice out them for storage.
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