This is Kate's Garden.
It's named after the person who made it possible.
My name is Suzanne. This will be a record of the garden to feed and bless many. We hope to take you through the entire process of planting, canning, and drying fruit and veggies.
~God Bless This Garden~

Jessica with the new bed of lettuce. It's Black-Seeded Simpson.

Here's that sweet little apple blossom. :)

Jessica digging the hole bigger so Dave can fit in it to work on the pipe. Not bad for a girl with a stitched up finger. She gets the stitches out Tuesday. You can see my mobility scooter in the background.

Annette's turn to do more digging.

Way to go, Annette!

Dave in the hole with the pipe cutter.

Dave sanding a piece of copper pipe.

Testing to see if it works.

Jessica and Dave. We've got water!!

Filling the hole back up.

Jessica building more beds.

Miss Becky with a handful of asparagus.

Building his second bed.

Annette hard at work.

Building her first bed.

Triple deep bed with the new sweet potato slips just planted.

A new bed of lettuce and 2 more beds of carrots.

A Storm was coming in so we headed home after watering everything. We no sooner got home and it started pouring rain. :) Now that we have a water hydrant. :) I think there are 35 beds now.

More beds to get planted tomorrow.

The end of another wonderful day in Kate's Garden.
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