This is Kate's Garden. It's named after the person who made it possible.
My name is Suzanne. This will be a record of the garden to feed and bless many. We hope to take you through the entire process of planting, canning, and drying fruit and veggies. This is the 2nd year.
~God Bless This Garden~
My beautiful daughter-in-law, Annette. She's becoming a very good gardener. I'm hoping to instill a passion for gardening in my family, as soon that will be the only way a person will be able to eat.
The green beans are up and looking great!!
Jessica moving the drip hose.
Jessica putting the Hula-Ho to good use. BTW she's beautiful, too.
NOT beautiful.. This is probably the most dorky pic I have ever taken. eyes closed, drinking my Frappuccino. :)
The kids beside one of the nectarine tree's.
The 1st planting of sweet corn is up!!!!!
Another shot of the green beans.
One of the many tomato plants.
Here's our one little nectarine for this year...
Oh boy! The grapes are setting.
Another shot of the grapes.
There are a few baby clusters of grapes coming.
Michaela made a heart in the soil. I can't believe after spraying with Round-up last year and then plowing, disking, and tilling, the grass is still growing.
Supervising the drip hose getting moved.
Hard at work!!
Jessica weeding the green beans.
Annette weeding the green beans. Great job everyone!!
Total for today:
3 more 50 ft. rows of sweet corn
Lots of weeding and watering.